U.S. Secretary of State Clinton Visits Greece

July 17, 2011 – Washington, D.C. – The United Macedonian Diaspora (UMD) released a July 15, 2011 letter it sent to U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton as a result of her current visit to Greece, concluding on July 18, 2011.  UMD urged Secretary Clinton to act upon several points of concern of the Macedonian-American community when meeting with representatives in Athens, including the lack of human rights for the Macedonian national minority in Greece.  UMD expressed disappointment that the Secretary has not visited Macedonia and urged her to undertake such a mission as soon as possible. 

“Athens continues to use the concocted “name dispute” as a supposed basis to block Macedonia’s accession to NATO (and the EU), all the while jeopardizing the financial well-being of the entire world community through its profligate government spending and fabricated accounting and financial misstatements,” reads the letter. 

To download the letter, please visit: https://umdiaspora.org/images/SecretaryClintonLtrGreece.pdf

Please take 30 seconds to send a letter to your member of Congress encouraging them to join the Congressional Macedonia Caucus, so we can have a stronger voice for Macedonia in the U.S. Congress; please click here: http://www.capwiz.com/tca/issues/alert/?alertid=12566361&type=co

Previous UMD Lauds U.S.-Macedonia Open-Skies Agreement


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